Finance - Top Tips - Innovation



This document is designed as a quick reference guide to the subject of Innovation - doing things in new ways.

This will enable you to gain knowledge of a particular skill, task or process in store. This means you can quickly find the key information that you need and refer to it on an ongoing basis whenever you need to refresh your knowledge.




Why bother to do things in new and different ways? One simple reason – if we do what weÕve always doneÉ. weÕll get what we have always gotten.

Put another way – unless we innovate – we stagnate. And in business that means ÔGame OverÕ!


Logged in as: Adam Bramwell

Finance - Top Tips - Innovation

What you need to know

When faced with any situation or problem, we often tend to favour the solution that we had seen working previously. We do it that way, because weÕve done it that way before! This can be a significant barrier when weÕre faced with a new set of circumstances.

Interestingly, children appear to be one group of people that donÕt suffer from this barrier. Having had less experience in the world they approach situations in a very different way to adults and are more likely to try out different ways of doing things.

So, as adults how can we learn to think differently – how might you get a ÔchildÕs eyeÕ view of what goes on in your store? (Remember, in the context of the word ÔchildÕ here, weÕre really meaning ÔinexperiencedÕ). How about simply picking somebody who is inexperienced, and asking them to look at the problem?


One approach you could take is to ask someone else who is likely to have a different perspective on things to look at the situation for you and make suggestions. For example;


     Someone from another store - they may not do things your way in their store


     Someone who has a radically different job role? Ask a warehouse colleague from the RSC to examine a customer service issue


     Someone who doesnÕt work for the group - A friend or relative perhaps. Be careful of confidentiality issues though. If the issue is business sensitive, discuss this with your line manager first. 



All of these ideas would likely generate innovative ideas – things youÕve never tried, or even thought about before. Remember – if we do what weÕve always doneÉ. weÕll get what weÕve always gotten.



Logged in as: Adam Bramwell

Finance - Top Tips - Innovation

What you need to know

Using our Experts


Often when we are faced with a challenge we consult the ÔexpertÕ – the person who runs that part of the business. If we want to be innovative in our thinking we need to consider the best way to use this personÕs expertise as their experience could lead them to an idea that has been tried before.


Experts are a valuable asset to our business and we need to use their knowledge, however to encourage more innovation we could:


     Present the problem in a different way

     Ask them to look at issues in other parts of the business that they have less expertise in, this may provide you with some new ideas and them with a development opportunity

     Set no limits on their thinking e.g. ask them to think about what they would do if there were no restrictions on resources

     Take them out of the store in order to think through the ideas, spending time in a different environment can often help us to see things from a different perspective
